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Level 1

"Domenic, could you come here a moment?"

In only a couple of seconds, young Domenic appears at the cart door. The dust on his servant's uniform is thick enough that its original color is no longer visible. "Yes, milady Lynia?"

"Domenic, what were you just doing?"

"Patrolling, milady."

"In your servant's uniform? You know, we're nowhere near the palace now."

"It's...all I have, milady."

Level 3

"Milady, I...I must apologize, I really didn't--"

"Domenic." Lynia touches his arm. "I will not accept your apology."

"But milady, why?"

"You have nothing to apologize for. You were acting in what you'd thought were my best interests. I cannot hold that against you." By now, she has both of Domenic's arms in her grip. Their faces are mere inches apart.

"M-m-milady, what--"

"Domenic. Do you remember the day I hired you?"

"H-how could I forget, milady? You gave me a life worth living. Were it not for you, I'd have spent the rest of my life skulking about Lower Caynea and stealing table scraps..."

"At this time, I feel that it is I who should be apologizing, Domenic." She backs off a bit and gazes straight into his eyes. "Hiring you as a servant was but a pretense. Not entirely false, but not such an honorable decision, given my motive."

"Do you mean to say..."

"...I saw something in you that I've never seen in a man before. Of all the suitors that have approached me, none of them had the sort of determination I saw in your eyes that day."

"Suitors? Milady, you can't mean..."

Lynia pulls Domenic towards her and engages in a tight embrace to which he is powerless to resist. He is caught by surprise, and his arms stay limply at his sides as she speaks. "Domenic, you have always been loyal to me. Never once have you breached my trust, and your intentions are pure. I believe you have gone far beyond repaying my kindness by now."

"But..." Domenic cannot quite find his words.

"It is time we considered each other as equals, Domenic."

"Equals? I haven't the status..."

"You've spent the last several years serving the throne, Domenic, and if one were to ask me, I'd wager you've done a better job at it than most of the King's own subjects." She finally releases him, holding him at arms length to look into his eyes once more. He has difficulty contacting his eyes with hers, for reasons made obvious by the color of his face. "...Domenic, are you quite alright?"

"I...I'm sorry, milady, I can't concentrate...when you're looking at me like that."

"Shall I turn away, then, while you speak your mind?"

"I..." It does not seem to help him concentrate.